Install apk from PC to android devices |
You just download the software to your computer's tail APK Android app, you do not know how to put that app on your phone from your computer? In this article I show you several ways to install apps from computer to run Windows on your Android phone. There are many methods to install the software for the android phone, the easiest way is most common from CH Play to install. But there are no on CHPlay software that downloads from the Internet, so how to install. Let me guide you 2 ways (There are many other ways)
1. Install directly
- Copy apk into internal storage.
- On mobile : setting -> Security -> Unknows Sources -> Enable -->OK
- Open File Manager apps , Browser to APK file , Click it --->> install apk
2. Install indirect
- Please make sure
driver lg install on your computer
- Download software Android Commander
at here , extract to folder "Android Commander" .
- On mobile : USB Debugging and LG Software.
- Plug mobile to cable conect PC
- Run AndroidCommander.exe , choose Install
Lưu ý :
- This Android Commander compatible with android 4.4
- Using this software will let you install batch file, you just select and click install integrated software will auto install, less time-consuming operation.
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