Z3X-Box Samsung lets you unlock free-mobile-solutions Samsung phones, perform phone flashing operations and repair IMEI, NVM, camera, network, unfreeze the phone, etc. Z3X-Box supports lots of latest Samsung mobiles.
Z3X-Box Samsung Outstanding Features
Phones can be selected from
Z3X Shell in alphabetical order or by platform
Software will show information about required cable for each model automatically
As well as display information whether the phone should be connected to the box with or without battery free-mobile-solutions
Regular smart card updates
Multilingual software interface free-mobile-solutions
With Z3X-Box you can exchange configuration files with other users
Software will automatically inform you about new updates
Z3X-Box uses flash files in original format (only UMTS)
Z3X-Box Samsung Plus LG Edition works with swap PCBs
Available service options: battery calibration, LCD contrast, RX TX, etc.
You can automatically login to
support area from the main software
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