Rom CloudyG3 For LG G2 Variant |
CloudyG3 Rom for G2 variations was launched more than one month, has now completed version V2.0 very well, fully supports variations G2: D800 D801 F320L F320S F320K D802 D803 D805 D806 LS980 VS980 L01F L22.
To help you easily use G2 V2.0 update rom CloudyG3, LGVINH introduce you to this tutorial for reference and implementation easier.
Note: This guide is for G2 versions are original kitkat Rom 4.4.2; G2 variants are original rom 4.2, by reference to this article
[TUT] Rom kitkat 4.4 for g2 docomo 1 General Procedure for Up Rom CloudyG3 for G2:Step 1: Put the original romStep 2: Root and install RecoveryStep 3: Install Baseband kitkat corresponding ---> Then install Rom CloudyG3 V2.0 interface through Aroma2. Preparation:
-Download Rom :
Rom CloudyG3V2.0-Download Baseband
Link download-Download Tool Root
ioRoot G2 4.4-Download Recovery
Link Down , This file is APK file 3. Steps by steps- Put the original rom latest 4.4.2 as instructed [Tutorial] Up stock rom for all LG Serial- On the original rom 4.4.2 , conducting Root
Perform the following steps:
- Enable usb debugging, plug the cab in MTP mode or LG Software
- Unzip the file ioroot and run root.bat in directory ioroot19
- Follow the instructions of the program
- After rooting, rebooting, open CHPlay to find and install SupperSU (This is used to manage the programs that require root access).
- Copy files Baseband and CloudyG3V2.0 Rom file in to the phone memory
- install the apk file has downloaded (Example is F320L_AutoRec.apk), If you do not know how to install apk file from your computer to your phone
Install apps from PC to Android 4.4 Open AutoRec Apps just install - make in the form below to have a recovery
Steps Flash Recovery for G2 |
Go to step 4 if you do not want into Recovery, then select exit, and as if to install rom then choose "to recovery" for the phone to boot into Recovery. This is TWRP Recovery (
TWRP What is? )
Hard key to enter Recovery is: turn off power completely, then hold volume up and power key (press two keys at one time) until the Korean word appears , Drop 2 keys and quickly press volume down key several times until the recovery on.
- In TWRP Recovery screen
Select Settings, tick the "use rm -rf thay formatting", and then back out to the main screen
Into Wipe \ Advanced \ Wipe data, system, cache, dalvik - finished, back out the main screen
Select Install - select
kitkat baseband zip file copied earlier and drag the arrows to install
After successful install baseband, continue selecting files and install CloudyG3_2.0.zip on Aroma Screen
Refer to the video for easier implementation
Up rom Service:
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