Rom VDT V25 Cho optimus G F180 |
While the V22 and V23 rom kitkat VDT is not cooled ( Your reference here
Rom cook android kitkat 4.4 for LG Optimus G F180) ,V25 rom was born . VDT again launched another new rom for F180 - VDT V25. With V22 rom based of the original rom, VDT was really please the experience smoother stability and battery. with this V25 update, we will look forward to what? I quote verbatim
link here* Features: Create from the latest platform version L.
Improved Camera.
LG G3 flat messaging, chat new ball.
Split view full app LG G Pro 2 (Now do not click on the first press vibration touching the screen is used. Either blink first one is always in your hands).
LG Slide aside (Slide three fingers).
Vietnamese typing Telex update LG G3.
Sounds obvious default.
Contacts add new features LG G3.
App 3G / 4G.
13 effects the lock screen LG G3.
Knock Code.
GApps update.
Theme LG G3.
Toggle 2G / 3G on Statubar.
Messaging update LG G3.
Music, recording, file manager, calculator, clock For All LG G3.
Note LG G3 update.
Transfer system from SKT-> Open, KR -> ESA.
Call recording.
Delete the app soldering.
Delete keyboard welding.
Full Odex System (app, priv-app, framerwork).
* How to Up: - You Can Install rom from any background.
- downloaded rom , unpack then copy the zip Rom and Patch to the internal memory
- Reboot in to recovery: '3 wipe', then flash 'VDT-V25 Super Lite LG G.zip' ---> Patch corresponding forward finished ---> reboot and enjoy.
Note: For beginners , should refer to any of my posts the following order, to be able to master the process of implementing
- You should return to the latest rom 4.4 original kitkat according to the following guidelines
[Tutorial] Flash Stock Rom All LG Serial- How to root F180 4.4 :
[Tutorial] Root for LG optimus G F180 Android 4.4- Install Recovery
Recovery for LG optimus G f180 android 4.4- How to use recovery for install rom
Basic Recovery*Download RomMD5 Code: 8e087bb0081bd19222e4abc904e0c4bf
Link Fshare Link Google (Updating)
Pass extract : sccn.vn
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