SCR Screen Recorder Pro ★ root APK Patched v0.18.6 -beta
scr Screen Recorder Pro apk root download is a tool android app Record high quality screencasts directly from your phone or tablet
! Free full apk apps website scr Screen Recorder Pro apk download using hardware accelerated video encoding to achieve best quality screen capture on any device. It is the only video recorder on the market support Tegra device
scr Screen Recorder Pro apk No root collects anonymous usage statistics to help keep bugs and analyze how users of the app . This software uses code of FFmpeg 1.2 unchanged under the LGPL license Size: . 3.5 Mb Android : 4.0.3 and higher
SCR Screen Recorder Pro ★ root APK Patched v0.18.6 -beta
SCR Screen Recorder Pro ★ root APK Patched v0.18.6 -beta
This is an early beta preview version so it may not work on all devices and ROMs. Before you buy SCR consider testing free to make sure that your device already supports
care .
SCR Screen Recorder Pro ★ root APK Patched v0.18.6 -beta
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SCR Screen Recorder Pro 0.18.6 - Beta Rev
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SCR Screen Recorder Pro ★ root APK Patched v0.18.6 -beta