Turbo Download Manage is a download manager for OS Android, whereby downloaded files of any type and size. The app increases the speed of downloads by connecting to the server in multiple threads.
When downloading files from the Internet, sooner or later users face the problem of disconnection, in which part of the downloaded file is deleted, and you have to repeat the whole process again. This problem leads to the loss of time, precious megabytes of traffic and just nerves. To avoid such situations, developers created Android-app Turbo Download Manager, which can be downloaded for free and used without any restrictions.
Program Turbo Download Manager has the ability to "Turbo" load, i.e. increase the speed of downloading files through multiple simultaneous connections to the streaming HTTP-server, which presumably increases the rate of downloading to five times, of course if your provider allows.
Features of Turbo Download Manager
Technology to accelerate the download;
There is a limited amount of the uploaded file;
Web-browser support Dolphin and Firefox;
Up to ten parallel streams;
Customisable size of the clipboard;
Multiple simultaneous downloads;
Work in the background;
Audible notification of completion of loading;
Download history.
How Turbo Download Manager works?
To semi-automatically start downloading, go into any browser, click a long press on the link in the menu that appears, select "Share" and choose from a series of proposed programs. You can also simply copy the following link to go to the download manager, open the system menu and click «Add Download», paste the link below and set the path to save.
Pros of Turbo Download Manager
- There are no restrictions;
- Low memory usage.
Cons of Turbo Download Manager
Turbo Download Manager is very easy to use download manager for Android with a simple but functional interface.
Turbo Download Manager for Android