Samsung SM-G900T unlock done by Z3x Box
This Samsung SM-G900T mode mostly unlock to chargable but if you have Z3x box so you can do unlock for free if you want to samsung SM-G900T unlock so it is very simple if you better understand to this tutorial and always i post tutorial is very simple language so better understand to everyone also. Samsung SM-G900T for unlock you have to must enable diag mode i give you full tutorial how to enable diag mode and also must have to rooted mobile for unlock after enable diag mode or rooted need to certificate file also put link in this post, and you have to must also your mobile battery full charged and you can do unlock no any mode just turn on mobile and connect to computer and also need must Enable USB Debugging so let's see. How to Enable Diag Mode:
First Turn on your mobile and Go to Menu -> go to settings -> Go to About Device -> go to buil number then to press 7 times on build number option after you can see build number
- Dial *#0808# on your mobile display
- Choose AP and last one DM+MODEM+ADB
- Last press Ok button
- Root your mobile (must)
- Open Z3x Tools and choose model SM-G900T
- Click on 'ReadInfo' button and give information about phone
- Click on Wipe EFS and make sure a Tick on SKIP restore and Backup NV
- After Write Cert Download it from the link
- See Z3x Tools picture there i give Step
- You are done
Screen shot of Z3x Tools: