Upgrade to AD-FREE μTorrent® Pro, from the developers of the #1 Android torrent app in the Google Play Store, and the #1 BitTorrent download client on desktops worldwide.
µTorrent Pro (uTorrent Pro) is a light, powerful, AD-FREE app to help you download the stuff you love, directly to your phone or tablet-- now with auto-shutdown and battery-saving preferences. If you like the µTorrent desktop client or the μTorrent (uTorrent) app for Android, you’ll love µTorrent Pro. And, because this edition of the µTorrent Android app is new to the Google Play store, you can upgrade to µTorrent Pro at a special introductory price
Included in the Pro app:
✔ No banner ads
✔ Battery Saver feature- suspends torrents when battery goes below a predefined level
✔ Auto-shutdown feature to save battery + data. Automatically shut down torrenting when downloads are done and app is in background
✔ Introductory pricing
Fast, light, and powerful: that’s the core of our technology. The uTorrent Android app reflects that. We developed uTorrent Android around your mobile torrenting needs with these standard features
✔ Beautifully light, clean design
✔ Wifi-only mode to save on mobile data
✔ No speed limits and no size limits
✔ Easy access to your media with integrated music and video libraries
✔ Select files to download within a torrent to minimize your storage footprint
✔ Better listening and viewing experience with integrated music and video players
✔ Choose your file download location
✔ Download torrents and magnet links
✔ Translations in Pусский, Español, Italiano, Português do Brasil
✔ Access licensed content from BitTorrent’s Bundle content partners
✔ Make your Android device so much more fun
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