WinDroid Universal Android Toolkit v2.1 Free download HERE
WinDroid Univeral :
Android Tools link : GO
HEREAbout this tool:
This Windroid Universal Android Toolkit it support to many devices who in android version you can do unlock bootloader, flash recovery etc you can do and this tools good for htc devices you can do just attach device and must enable to usb debugging you can't use this tools in disable usb debugging this is must on in your device also remember must your device battery charged you can do full bootloader unlock, automatically HTC token retrieve, flash custom recovery, flash custom kernel, flash custom roms, push files, install apps, relock bootloader etc in this tools.
1. Download this tool
2. Attach Device in to computer (must enable usb debugging)
3. Open Windroid Tools and wait until install ADB Driver
4. Then connect device
5. You are done
Note: must enable usb debugging