Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500 are currently often problematic, whether of software and hardware that often occurs due to negligence of the user. But most often find that damage from the software side. This is not because of factory defects that provide the software, but from the users who actually negligent and did not take the time to install the application or may be tweaked and could even install a custom rom because that is not as recommended. This is the cause of the Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500 should do Flashing. For that I am making a way how to cope with the bootloop Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500, error, or frequent restarts itself caused by its negligence.
- usb driver or samsung keis
- Odin
- Firmware Galaxy GT-S6500
- extrax firmware Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500 to find files .md5
- Install samsung usb driver.
- Go to the download mode by press and hold the Home button + Power + Vol.Down simultaneously.
- After entering the download mode. Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500 Connect to PC / laptop with a USB cable.
- Press the volume up on the Galaxy Mini 2 GT-S6500 to proceed
- Open Odin v3 and run the .exe
- Ensure galaxy core has been detected on the PC. There will be a yellow column if it is detected.
- If it is detected then check column PDA. Then click on PDA (PDA side which in check) then will be in order to enter file .md5
- Klik START
- Wait until the process is complete (PASS) Galaxy core the automatic restart. Finished
This Tutorial : How to Flashing Samsung Via Odin3