Rooting Method 1 Using Odin :
Prerequisites :-Use a Windows PC and make sure
device USB drivers are installed on computer.
-Download Odin for Windows.-Disable antivirus and firewall apps that can disturb Odin.
CF-Auto-Root tool for
Samsung Galaxy A7 (
Step By Step Root For Samsung Galaxy A7 Disclaimer: Use everything at your own risk as Tech Egis will not be responsible if you damage the device arising from this use. You have been warned, so proceed carefully. This rooting trick trip the KNOX WARRANTY VOID status.
How To Root Samsung Galaxy A7 SM-A7000 Step #1: Unzip the downloaded zip file into a folder on your computer.
Step #2: Navigate to folder where you have unzipped the file. If you find a recovery.img and cache.img file, you have unzipped. You just need a .tar.md5 file and do not unzip that one.
Step #3: Run the downloaded
Step #4: Turn off your
Samsung Galaxy A7.
Step #5: Once the
Galaxy A7 is off, reboot it by holding down volume down, home and power buttons to enter in download/fastboot mode.
Step #6: Plug your Samsung Galaxy A7 to computer using a USB cable.
Step #7: Odin should detect the phone. You should get added message in Odin.
Step #8: Do not make any change in Odin, just ensure “re-partition is not checked”.
Step #9: Click on PDA button in Odin and locate the .tar.md5 file that was downloaded above.
Step #10: Click start button to start rooting and wait until Android boot.
Step #11: Once your Galaxy A7 is fully booted in Android, unplug it from PC.
That’s it, your Galaxy A7 should be
rooted now.
Video For Rooting A7
Rooting Method 2 Using One Click Super Root:
Download Super-Root for
Samsung Galaxy A7 Duos from this link :
Download it here