2015 is a new year , Also Coming with a lot of
Mobile malware for your mobile "Lol" ,
There’s no denying that mobile malware is soaring. In 2014 to 2015, mobile security firm Lookout reported that the number of malware attempts on mobile devices jumped a staggering 75%.
Android users are, unsurprisingly, taking the brunt of it - with around two million forms of
Android malware, one in five
Android users have encountered at least one mobile threat in the last year, according to security firm
Kaspersky, which identifies roughly 5,000 new samples every day.
But alongside these scary statistics, other experts are claiming that mobile malware, as endemic as it might be, is not really that serious a threat.
In among-st the usual ‘doom and gloom’ of its annual breach report, wireless telecoms provider Verizon declared, in a section called ‘I’ve Got 99 Problems and Mobile Isn’t Even 1% of Them’ that the major malware exploits ‘just aren’t happening.’
Though the firm detected hundreds of thousands of malware infections, these were mostly ‘adnoyance’ type programs that simply irritate users with unwanted adverts. Other forensic companies like FireEye also say that mobile devices just don’t show up in their investigations.
Despite its volume and veracity, Verizon and FireEye paint a picture of mobile malware as a cloud of tiny, annoying ticks and parasites that pose no real threat to information security.
- See more at: http://www.information-age.com/technology/security/123460363/mobile-malware-just-common-annoyance-or-wolf-sheeps-clothing#sthash.bhpjjQ6G.dpuf