Hi there.. Welcome to andro9ja.tk...
I use this device and I will do all my best in providing the best for other users like me..
Have you ever wandered if you could upgrade your infinix hot device without pc. You have searched the whole internet for solutions but nothing showed up...
Well you have come to the right place...
Follow me..
Please note that you must be on infinix stock recovery
If you are on stock recovery that's a good news... And if u are not.. Please get one as a custom recovery will get your device bricked..
Download Infinix Hot X507 Lollipop Final Tcard version from herehere
The update will dowoad via an app called mega... Don't worry if the link takes you to play store.. " that means you don't have the mega app installed"
After downloading the update and you have stock recovery installed...
What next.. Upgrade.... And enjoy the brand new user interface...
Feel free to ask questions... I'm here for you...