OmniROM is another cool Custom ROM which gives you the power of customization on your phone. OmniROM was developed by ex-CyanogenModguys and was launched in 2013 first time. Since then it has been that matured that it gives you the Android Lollipop taste on it with lots of customizable features.You can load the apps by tapping on time in notification menu, it adds a counter for the notifications on the status bar and lets you adjust the brightness quite easily without going into settings. The OmniSwitch feature of OmniROM makes the navigation between apps and other stuff on your phone very easy as well.
· Open Source – The OmniROM is completely open source which lets power users customize it as per their needs.
· Quick Setting Panel – The Flip tiles features help to adjust settings quickly by flipping in between the tiles.
· Less stable – Being Open Source in nature makes the OmniROM a little unstable.
See the supported devices At this link
You can also Download,See full info and check if it can run on your phone at this
theproject’s website.