If you are satisfied with your Android UI and want only basic and simple tweaks to your Android UI, the SLIM BEAN Custom ROM is the best available option for you. It is the most simple and easy yet powerful and bug proof custom ROM for Android.What makes the SLIMBEAN perfect is performance focused design. Android You can get the latest updates with just one click instead of installing the ROM again. The custom Kernel of SLIM BEAN boosts the performance of the processor of your phone and improves the battery life as well. Pros
· Easy Installation – The SLIMBEAN ROM can be installed quite easily and flawlessly as compared to other ROMs.
· Light Weight – As the name suggests, it cuts a lot of bloat-ware from the devices making them perform better.
· Limited features – It offers the limited features and customization to the user.
· Requires Backup – To restore your data and contacts once the ROM is installed.
You can also Download, See full info and check if it can run on your phone at this
theproject’s website.