step by step to restore and unlock iphone 3gs
Restore iphone:-
- download install itunes in your pc and open it
- connect iphone dfu mode to itunes
DFU mode:
- plug in usb in iphone and turn off phone
- press power and home key
- show apple logo and off automatic
- after 3 seconds release power key but hold home key
- after 10 second also release home key now your iphone is in dfu mode
- iphone detected recovery mode and click on restore and update
- Iphone restore process start and finish automatically
Unlock 3gs:-
- download 3gs ios 6.0 ipsw
- download redsnow latest version
- open redsnow and click on extras
- click on select ipsw ios 6.0
- click on back
- click on jailbreak
- put iphone dfu mode and click on next
- tick the install cydia and flash baseband and click on next wait a minute
- mobile will power on and activate it
- click back option on redsnow click on just boot
- inter mobile dfu mode just boot start wait a minute mobile wiil on
- do not power off mobile because it is tethered jailbreak
- then open cydia from iphone
- it will refreshed wait and see
- it will complete and show upgrade essential ignore it
- click search type p0sixspwn and install it from cydia
- now it is fully jailbreak and upgrade assential
- click on source and install Ultrasn0w
- now phone unlock enjoy.......