Galaxystuffs provides the magnificent information with regard to Samsung Galaxy 3 Consistent with XDA member DrawnToLife,Temasek’s CM13 v1. 4 Android 6. 0 Marshmallow unofficial ROM is actually currently accessible with regard to Samsung
Galaxy 3.
This ROM supports each of: HLTE/TMO/CAN (GSM) [N9005/N900T/N900W8] and HLTESPR (CDMA).
CDMA users may receive delayed builds or less frequent builds.N900S/P are also supported.
Before starting let me do share more things about this rom as we know it is in beta stage as a result there are some broken stuffs and bugs in it.I can't share the bugs here as it keeps on changing time to time so for bugs report I refer you to check out the xda thread.
Requirements -
1. You must have custom recovery(TWRP) installed in your device.
2. After above steps Make backup of current rom your recovery.
3. Require at least an Android 4.3 ( or higher )
How to Install Cm13 Rom On Xiomi Redmi 2-
Step By Step Guide
1 . Download Unofficial CM 13
Download Gapps 6.0 package Copy it in your in your device.
2. Now place the Unofficial Cyanogenmod 13 rom and gapps 6.0 zip file in sd card.
3 .Now reboot to custom Recovery mode.
4. Then flash CM13 rom and Gapps 6.0 from recovery in it.
5 .Now Clear cache and Clear Data.
6. Reboot your device.Done! you just flash unofficial cyanogenmod 13 rom in your Galaxy Note 3
Enjoy Android Marshmallow 6.0 !.