Guide to Backup Android data using Easy Backup & Restore (for non Rooted device).
Backup Android data using Easy Backup & Restore. Today we will share to you guide to backup data on Android smartphone device. There are many methode to backup data on android, and now we use a plenty app available on Google Play Store. this app is easy for use and free app to backup all data such as contact, text message, call logs, bookmarks, calender and password. By using this app you can easily create a backup copy of your important data in just a few clicks of a button. This app is called Easy Backup & Restore. Although this app backup everything, but Easy Backup & Restore does not back up your documents, music, video and photo stored in the ineternal or external memory. If you want to backup this kind of data you can backup it with simple way, just using a USB cable and a computer. To perform back up documents, music, video and photo just locate the appropriate folders on your android device in a Windows Explorer window and copy and paste the contents to local folder on your computer.
If you use Easy Backup & Restore, you no longer need to manually copy all data such as your contact, text message, call logs, bookmarks, calender and password. Actually, this app can automatically create a backup copy of your SMS, contacts, calendar, bookmarks, call logs, dictionary and MMS. Easy Backup & Restore can also create a backup copy of your favorite apps.
To use Easy Backup & Restore is very easy, all you need to do is to choose among its available menu and options. When ready to backup, you will ask the destination where to keep your data on available option. You can save your backup file to Google Drive, Gmail, Dropbox or even to your external storage (SD card). When you want to restore your backup files, simply choose the “Restore” button then select the location where you’ve kept your backup files. For more detail instruction, you can read complete guide below.
Guide to Back Up and restore Android data.
- Open Google Play Store.
- Then Download and install Easy Backup on your Android device.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- When you launch the app, you'll be asked if you want to create a backup. you can tap Yes.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- Then, You will see a bunch of check boxes to select what things you can back up : SMS, MMS, call logs, calendar, bookmarks, dictionary and contacts.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- Just make your selections and tap OK.
- On the next screen you will be asked for a save location for your backup. Make your selection and tap it. You can use cloud service such as: Gmail, Dropbox, Google Drive, One drive, Box or you can select SD Card to keep your backup data.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- Then you will be asked to give the backup a file name. The date and time is the default for file name.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- If done, You will see a progress bar on page when your data is being backed up.
Easy Backup & Restore |
- Once backup data completed, you will get a pop up window with a summary of what was backed up.
Easy Backup & Restore |
Easy Backup & Restore |
Guide To Backup App using Easy Backup and restore.
- When your backup is finish, now you can continue to back up app
- If your phone is rooted, you can also back up your apps and app data and settings.
- If not rooted, you can still tap on the Apps Tools tab in the main menu and create a backup of the APKs on your phone.
apps tools - Easy Backup & Restore |
- What is APK ? APKs are like an .exe on a computer: it's the program or app package.
- You can automatically backup your app to Google backup, if you enable Google settings to backup your App and data settings.
- After you tap Apps Tools, you must wait the process to initialized your Android app.
please wait - Easy Backup & Restore |
- If your Android device is not rooted, you will see this warning. It's mean you cannot backup data or settings of your apps, but only the apk files.
warning not rooted - Easy Backup & Restore |
- Tap OK, Then, Just check the boxes on list of the apps you want to save and hit Backup at the bottom.
list of the apps - easy backup and restore |
- Just wait the process until finish. and now your apps is fully back up using easy backup & restore.
Guide To Restore data using Easy Backup and restore.
If you want to restore all data that you have backed up, follow this guide to do it.
- Open Easy Backup & Restore on the app drawer.
- Then tap on restore tab.
restore your data - easy backup and restore |
- Then select from where you will restore your data.
restore your data - easy backup and restore |
- Then select the backup you want to restore and tap it. You'll see a pop up with details of what will be restored. Tap OK and you're done.
- To see the results what you restore, Go back to Apps Tools in the main menu and tap the Archived tab.
- Then you can check off the APKs you want to restore, then tap Install at the bottom.
- Follow the next instruction show on the screen,
- Finish.