Samsung Galaxy S duos GT S7562 Flash File Firmware Download
Samsung Galaxy S duos GT-S7562
Unofficial support site for this Phone By Welcome Zone Haldwani
This tutorial shows you how to Flash stock Firmware using Odin on Galaxy S Dous [S7562]Requirements :--->1.
Odin3. 072.
Samsung Usb Driver3. Stock Firmware
4. Official USB cable
5. Ofcourse Galaxy S Dous Phone
note :-> click on above requirements to download them..
Flashing Tutorial :-->
1. Install usb drivers on pc....
2. reboot ur pc
3. Download the ODIN 3.07 & save it in your PC and extract its content to Desktop.
4. Download the update && save it in your PC and extract the update file on your Desktop.
5. Now, turn off your Samsung Galaxy S duos device
6. Boot your S Duos device into the Download mode by pressing [ Volume down + Menu + power ] buttons on the same time.
7. now ur phone will boot into download mode ........u will see a "WARNING" like following pic.....
8. now press "VOLUME UP" button to enter into download mode :--> like the following pic -->
9. Now open "ODIN 3.07.exe" on desktop & attach ur phone to ur pc using stock usb cable.
10. When the connection is established with odin , u will be notified with the “added” message that will be displayed on the Odin interface, the ID:COM section should be colored on yellow or blue.
11. click on PDA button && select the S7562XXXXXX_S7562XXXXXX_XXXHOME.tar u extracted on desktop [file name may differ ]
12. now click on "START" button & it will take some time to flash the firmware ....
Note:-> DON'T interrupt the flashing process, it may brick ur device [ soft or hard brick]
U will see a "PASS" & "RESET" on ODIN application...14. Ur phone will reboot automatically & u should be booted successfully ....
15. enjoy [ u have flashed stock firmware successfully on ur device ].
F.A.Q :->1.) If the ODIN get stuck ?
Close the ODIN.
Disconnect your device from the PC by removing the USB cable.
again connect the device with pc.
again open Odin
Repeat the tutorial.
2.) If your device gets a Boot Loop [ boot animation agian & agian ] ?
Reboot device into the Recovery Mode [ VOLUME UP + DOWN + MENU + POWER ]
Perform a “wipe data factory reset” and after that “wipe cache partition”.
Then choose “reboot system now”
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Direct download links for latest firmwares of some countries :---------->1. Latest INDIAN Firmware --> it?usp=sharing (google drive link)2. old Pakistan Firmware :-> old Australia Firmware :-> old Malaysia Firmware :-> old Sri Lanka Firmware :-> __________________________________________________ ___________________
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