Contract Killer Sniper arrived with online functionality and many more new features. Once you are in the game or if you already have an advanced starting days Well then we still will work this method can be seen as team. game starts with the online tutorials and then your are thrown in the tutorial levels to challenge computer AIs. Kill them all and you are good to go. same tutorial and gameplay we have seen in any other sniper games and nothing new. then soon you will know its an online game and you will not be able to play offline at any cost. good graphics and gameplay graphics are really top notch. play some levels and gain money to upgrade your own base or upgrade your weapons and raid other players to earn more money like diamonds. Contract Killer Sniper MOD APK 4.0.0 . some elements will remind you of some PVP Village building game with sniping fun. its all fun until game starts to ask more in up gradations. evens, single player missions and other player raids its all are plus points for playing this game.
What’s New: 4.0.0
1. Clan Wars – Build & defend your Clan Base and attack enemy clans to get special Clan Tokens.
2. Clan War Prizes – Use Clan Tokens for awesome new exclusive items only available to Clan War participants.
3. Clan Upgrades – Donate excess cash and drone .weapons to your clan to make it more powerful and unlock new base layouts.
4. Character Customization – Bored with your current outfit? Now you can find one that suits you.
5. Improved Clan Chat.
6. Updated Drone Weapon Fusion System.
What’s In The MOD:
maxed out ammo
maxed out clip size
no reload
no crosshair sway
no recoil
no recoil for snipers
throwing knives distance increased
throwing knives strength increased
very high damage on head shot nearly all am 1 hit kill very high damage on critical damage can be used in pvp
Requires Android: 3.0 and Up
Version: 4.0.0
Download Links :
Download Apk Mod + Data
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