Puffin Web Browser Pro is a premium high speed web browser for your Android smartphone!
Download and install latest Puffin Browser Pro Apk v4.7.2.2390 free
Puffin Web Browser is a wicked fast web browser. With the help of cloud servers, Puffin Web Browser brings the desktop web browsing experience to tablets and smartphones.
*.Incredible page load and rendering speed
*.Adobe Flash support (also works on Android 4.4+)
*.Download to cloud (up to 1G per file)
*.Theater mode for Flash videos and games
*.Virtual trackpad and gamepad
*.Add-on functions (Pocket, Evernote, Facebook, translator and more)
*.Color theme for toolbar and sidebar
*.Fastest JavaScript engine
*.Full web experience (desktop and mobile view)
*.Incognito tab: Auto-clean your browsing activities in the app
#What’s in this version :
*.In Puffin 4.7, we have greatly improved Data Savings capability. You can find out how much you saved this month from Puffin’s settings.*.4.7.1 for bug fixes
Puffin Web Browser Pro Apk v4.7.2.2390- HERE
#How to install Puffin Web Browser Pro Apk
Install Apk normally & High Speed Desktop browsing on your Android smartphone!