Candy Camera for Selfie v2.56 AdFree APK
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Let’s take a selfie!With Candy Camera’s beautifying filters and silent mode,
You can take beautiful selfies anywhere and anytime!
Don’t miss out on Candy Camera’s amazing filters –
1,000,000 people taking selfies with Candy Camera every day!
Filters for SelfiesA diverse range of filters, designed specifically for selfies –
Every Candy Camera filter will make your skin look amazing!
Swipe left and right to change between filters,
And find the perfect beautifying filter for a selfie!
Candy Camera’s filters are shown real-time while you take a selfie,
So you always look and feel beautiful with Candy Camera’s filters!
WHAT'S NEW+ Collage bud fixed
+ Sticker Store Release
+ Skin Smoothing Mode
+ Christmas theme & stickers
+ Collage sticker UX improvement & new grids
+ Settings UI altered
+ Material design applied
+ Fixed photo rotation bug (some devices)
+ One-touch sticker rotation and resizing
+ New filters
+ Optimized for Android 6 Marshmallow
+ Lightning engine (300% faster than before!)
+ Supports UHD 4K high quality shooting
+ Fixed black screen bug (some devices)
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