This post that i am going to create is very useful for those people who have lost their mobile phone and have not any backup record like mobile phone box warranty card or imei written before lost.
here you can find all device records that was used by you or any phone you added your gmail id. so i recommend to all of you friends be very careful and don't used your gmail id in any phone that is not in your own use. don't use your sim card in any phone that is not your own use. don't allow unknown person to make phone to anyone.
Reason: i think you already know why this is harmful for us. if you don't know just read carefully. this is not a Pakistan,s problem this is applied all over the world. in Pakistan PTA have some rules for cell users and network providers we must follow the rules.
For users: PTA have there own help line (0800-25625) for user to block there stolen cellphones. PTA collect record of the cellphone and send it to network provider to block there service for the stolen IMEI. we can also track stolen imei on pta
web site.
For Network providers: The Secret agency,s can force the network provider to give them cellphones record. like phone calls data, SMS data, cellphones information IMEI ets, the government given these facilities also to some selected persons. they can track any cellphone that being used in Pakistan. i think is enough just come to the point how to find imei from a google account?
How to get IMEI fro google account?to find imei of the stolen phone just go to
google dashboard you will see Android with written on left side of screen. just click on it you will get all cellphones record that was used with your Google account.
Screenshots can be found here.Note: this all information is for users safety this web site not responsible for and illegal use of this information.