Features:- BuiLd from latest Ramdisk & Official Opensource
- Auto-Rooting
- Auto BusyBox
- SELinux set to permissive
- Init.d support
- Auto-Kill Knox/SecurityLogAgent
- Deep Sleep fixed
- Wifi pass forget fixed
- Reboot on Android panics (Random reboot) fixed
- Disable Samsung Rooting Restriction Feature & TIMA
- Removed Some Unnecessary Samsung Security Stuff
- Add DHA tweak - optimize memory managements
- Bic as default TCP congestion control for best networking speed
Supported devices status:
- SM-N920C
- SM-N9200
- SM-N9208
- SM-N920P
- SM-N920R4
- SM-N920T
- SM-G928C
- SM-G9287C
- SM-G928G
- SM-G928F
- SM-G928P
- SM-G928R4
- SM-G928T
- SM-N920I
- SM-N920CD (Dual)
All N920:------------
Flash Guide:
Wipe Cache & Dalvik-Cache or full wipe after flash Kernel (maybe help with reboot issue during call)
You need to reflash the ROM if you are using arter97 kernel, then can flash SpaceX Kernel
Remove "wlan.wfd.hdcp" in build.prop
Via Recovery:
Enabled OEM unlock, then boot into Download mode
Copy Kernel (.zip) file to devices
Boot into Recovery, flash Kernel
Update SU binary If asked (normal update)
Via Odin:
Enabled OEM unlock, then boot into Download mode
Flash Noble Kernel via Odin 3.10.7
Update SU binary If asked (normal update)