S6 Edge Tema Launcher APK

The description of S6 Edge Tema Launcher
Welcome to the best Free Launcher on Android. You will turn your Phones/Tablets to look like galaxy. If you are bored with user interface of your phones then this Starter is suitable for you.
This is a great app to make your phones look better. You will be able to use s6 edge UI with your Android Devices.
This app includes a lot of different types and dozens of different HD wallpaper photos. To use the application please follow the instructions below.
1. Open the application
2. After check if it is working, open settings
3. Tap to windows to choose the appropriate Launcher for your device. (Please make sure that this app supports the following ones;
4. Make sure that your phones already include this Applications.
5. You can also use this app in your Tablets. To do that, you can also use settings and choose the right Screen Resolution for you.