Required for that:
1. Any SC6530/SC6531 SPD device with good battery charged
2. CS Tool
3. Micro usb cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. Open CS Tool
2. Go to 1st Tab : Chinese Phones
3. Choose : SPD (Spreadtrum) Tab
4. Choose : Settings / Services Tab
5. Select CPU / Boot Settings : SC6531-NOR boot
6. Tick on : Auto Format option
7. Choose : Interface : USB Cable
8. Now Click on Format / Reset button
9. Press and hold Center key and insert usb cable
10. Wait until process
11. You are done
Intex Force 2 Phone Busy on Calling done screenshot:
Intex Force 2 Phone Busy on Calling done logs: Action : Format / Reset
1.Remove Battery, Insert usb cable, Insert battery
2.power off Phone, Remove & Reinsert Battery , insert USB Cable
(bootkey's Volume Down or volume up)
Waiting for Phone Usb....
Phone found [ USB Port:COM30 ]
Connected done.
sending 1st boot...
FDL test...OK
SC Boot Ver : 6531
SC Boot Mode : 6531000100005A00
Loading CST Boot image to RAM...
The CST Boot runs normally.
CHIP : 65310001
CPU ID: 65310001
NOR ID : 00C8006000160000
NOR Size : 4MB
NOR Name : SF_GD27Q32
Boot Information completed.
Reading FileSystem info...
FileSystem Version: 80
Start=0x003A8000, Size=0x00058000
Erasing ...
The eraser is completed.
Action completed
Time taken : 00:00:15
Reconnect Battery/USB Cable
CS-Tool Ver 1.28