Required for pattern unlock:
1. Micromax A67 device with good battery charged
2. CS tool you can use other box
3. Micro usb cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. Open CS tool
2. Go to
Chines phones tab
3. Go to
SPD (Spreadtrum) tab
4. Choose
Locks / Reset tab
5. Choose :
USB Cable6. Attach device
7. Choose :
Comport8. Baudrate :
9216009. Click on
Reset Pattern Lock button
10. You are done
Micromax A67 Pattern unlock done screenshot:
Micromax A67 Pattern unlock done Logs:
Action : Reset Patten Lock
1.Remove Battery, Insert usb cable, Insert battery
2.power off Phone, Remove & Reinsert Battery , insert USB Cable
(bootkey's Volume Down or volume up)
Waiting for Phone Usb....
Phone found [ USB Port:COM21 ]
Connected done.
sending 1st boot...
1st Boot is done.
Waiting for Boot init...
Switching Baudrate to 921600
Sending 2nd Boot...
2nd Boot done.
Waiting for Boot init...
SC Boot Ver : 8820
SC Boot Mode : 8820D000FFFFFFFF
Loading CST Boot image to RAM...
The CST Boot runs normally.
Reading CPU & Flash info...
CHIP : SC8825
CPU ID: 8820D000
EMMC ID : 45010053454D303447
EMMC Size : 4GB, usable capacity: 4.00GB
EMMC Name: eMMC_Sandisk_SD7DP24F_4G
Boot Information completed.
Reseting Locks ...
Unlock Completed.
[ insert simcard & enter anykeys ]
If unsuccessful, pls do it again.
Action completed
Time taken : 00:03:27
Reconnect Battery/USB Cable
CS-Tool Ver 1.29