DSL Technology Evolution broadband families:
DSL Technology OptionsADSL 1999 7 Mbps down-800 kbps up
ADSL2 2002 8 Mb/s down-1 Mbps up
ADSL2plus 2003 24 Mbps down-1 Mbps up
ADSL2-RE Reach Extended 2003 8 Mbps down-1 Mbps up
SHDSL(updated 2003) G.SHDSL 2003 5.6 Mbps up/down
VDSL Very-high-data-rate DSL 2004 55 Mbps down-15 Mbps up
VDSL2 -12 MHz long reach Very-high-data-rate DSL 2 2005 55 Mbps down-30 Mbps up
VDSL2 -30 MHz Short reach Very-high-data-rate DSL 2 2005 100 Mbps up/down
Status of DSL TechnologyDSL is the #1 Broadband Choicein the World with over 65% marketshareand more than 200 million users
DSL is available in every region of the world, and ADSL owns the majority of the market though VDSL and ADSL2plus are gaining ground
DSL is capable of providing up to 100 Mbp, and supports voice, video and data.
The new DSL network is IP-centric
There is broad equipment interoperability and there are currently established test specifications for ADSL, ADSL2plus, SHDSL, and soon VDSL2 will join the list
Finally, ADSL and home networking are a natural fit as DSL effectively supports multiple applications for multiple uses viaeach DSL connection.
DSL ApplicationsInternet Access & File Sharing
Video–Broadcast TV –Video On Demand–User generated video
Online Education & Shopping
Online Gaming
How Does DSL Work?Functional Elements
Use of Bandwidth
Channel Separation & POTS Splitter
New IP-centric Architecture